Cultural Events Calendar

On this page, TC PTA will highlight upcoming cultural events we are aware of in and around the Seattle area. If you have an event you would like us to share with the community, please reach out to our Communications Chair (

National PTA Resource: Multicultural Calendar - In English 2024-25  /  En Español 2024-25 

Have a Great Summer!

Check Back for Updates in the Fall 

Available Online
Wing Luke Virtual Storytime. Free.

Tues - Sat, 10am - 5pm (ongoing)
Spirit Returns 2.0, a Duwamish and Settler Story
at Duwamish Long House

2nd Sunday of each month, at 1pm
Interactive Story Time hosted by Northwest African American Museum
Check out past episodes on their YouTube playlist

Actions you can take against gun violence:

Spread the word about KEEP (
an organization created to provide free legal representation to Seattle Public School families whose students have been suspended or expelled from school. KEEP has a goal of combating racial disproportionality in exclusionary discipline and the school-to-prison pipeline by helping low-income and BIPOC students navigate the complex process of disciplinary actions. Please share, and support this important work!