Adult Education

Race & Equity Education

Spring 2023 - Roosevelt High School: Beyond Black and White

A Documentary Film About Race and Education

Film Screening, Panel Discussion + Dinner
Fri, June 16, 6:30-8:30pm
Co-hosted by Thornton Creek Parent Group & Thornton Creek PTA

Join TC PTA and TCPG as we wrap up this year’s Parent Education programming focusing on Equity in Education. Leading up to the Juneteenth holiday, we have planned an evening that includes the whole family in the form of a documentary film (30 min), discussion and dinner. We view the film Roosevelt High School: Beyond Black and White, produced by Roosevelt Alumni for Racial Equity (RARE), and follow the film with a panel discussion that includes two Roosevelt High School alumni who were interviewed for the film - Joe Hunter (class of 1971) and Leah Scott (class of 2021).

The film is about race and equity in Seattle schools and communities, and as SPS Superintendent, Dr. Brent Jones shares, it “is truly a teaching tool that has broader implications of not only the Roosevelt experience, but it is also an authentic snapshot of the Seattle experience. It provides a great modern-day context and historical clarity. It is a wonderfully woven narrative that compels us to disrupt business as usual.” A trailer of the film can be viewed here.

Dinner: Heaven Sent Fried Chicken & sides will be provided. Potluck contributions, especially vegan dishes, are welcome and appreciated.

Accessibility: We will do our best to provide additional access and interpretation if needed. Please contact PTA Inclusion Co-Chair Christie Robertson to make a request:

Haddii aad rabto tarjumaad Soomaali, la xiriir 

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Recap - Thornton Creek Family Education Night

Roosevelt High School: Beyond Black and White
A Documentary Film About Race and Education
Film Screening, Panel Discussion + Dinner

TCPG and TC PTA hosted an impactful event On June 16th to cap off our Parent Education opportunities for the year. Thanks to all who joined us for the delicious dinner, powerful film, and intimate discussion on race and equity in Seattle Public Schools. Before and after the film, our guests, Joe Hunter and Leah Scott, from Roosevelt Alumni for Racial Equity (RARE) shared work they are engaged in around restorative practices and policy change to forge more equitable learning environments and opportunities for all students. Joe and Leah shared their experiences as students and as advocates for racial equity and challenged those of us in the room to continue this important work to build environments where our schools are a place students want to be. The 30-minute film, Roosevelt High School: Beyond Black and White is available for online viewing here. You can support and/or follow the ongoing work of RARE through a donation or joining their mailing list. We look forward to continuing our learning and actions together as a community. Much appreciation to parent leaders Anna Peterson, Erin MacDougall, Christie Robertson and K.C. Potter de Haan for their work to bring Parent Education opportunities to the TC Community this year. 

Spring 2023 - Parenting with Identity in Mind with Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee

Co-Presented by Thornton Creek Parent Group & Thornton Creek PTA

Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 7-9pm
Zoom Link | Meeting ID: 883 2705 2072

What we'll cover:
How do we learn about our various group identities like female, African American, Buddhist, gay, middle class, etc.? Why do some people develop proud and healthy self identity and others experience own-group shame and hatred? Learn how we can, in age appropriate ways, instill positive self identity in our children and coach them to be positive influences on others' identities. Together, we can co-create inclusive communities that work toward success for all.

About Rosetta:
Since 2004, Rosetta has been a diversity speaker and trainer on a variety of topics, including cross cultural communication, identity development, implicit and unconscious bias, gender and sexuality diversity, facilitation skills, and bullying in schools. She has worked with over 350 K-12 public and independent schools throughout the country, along with over 100 colleges and universities, nonprofits, businesses, and more. (For more information see

We would love to provide interpretation if needed. Email by April 21 to request interpretation.

Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee
Rosetta Eun Ryong Lee

Spring 2022 - Equitable Schools:  How Innovative Schools Can Be Inclusive

Co-Presented by Thornton Creek PTA & Thornton Creek Parent Group

Two-Part Series: Mondays: April 25 and May 16, 6:30 - 8:30 pm on Zoom - Register Here

Learn how innovative schools can become more inclusive to children who are culturally and neurologically diverse, and how this benefits the wellbeing of all, including typically developing children.

This workshop will discuss how the brain becomes wired by developmental trauma and stress from sensory processing challenges, and how teaching in neurodevelopmental and culturally responsive ways bolsters brain development for all children.

Included in this workshop:

Betty Peralta, MIT, MSc, IMH-E® (III) Betty Peralta of Alta (Alternative Learning and Therapeutic Avenues) is a therapist, teacher, and consultant, with a specialty in adult-child interactions. She uses the NeuroRelational Framework, Research on Indigenous Parenting, Hand-in-Hand Parenting, and other disciplines to approach stress responses in children. She helps set children up to live their best lives by working with their caregivers, educators, and therapists. Learn more at  

Caregivers, parents, and community members welcome! Register Here

Betty Peralta
Betty Peralta,

Note from 4/25/22 Workshop:

Thank you for registering/participating in Monday night's parent equity education event with Betty Peralta!
A link to the recording along with the community board, parking lot to share your ideas and book resources mentioned can be found here:

The recording is on the far right of the page. Expand the post to see the needed passcode.

If you attended the 4/25/22 workshop, we would greatly appreciate you filling out this short evaluation survey:

Our second event in the 2-part series will be May 16, 2022 6:30-8:30pm. The same zoom link will work for that event.

If you have questions or would like to reach out with your ideas for this or similar events, please email 

Fall 2020 / Winter 2021 - Race & Equity Adult Lecture Series

The TC Parent Group (TCPG) and the TC PTA are co-presenting a 3-part event series to support learning and community-building around anti-racism and social justice for the 2020-21 school year. 

These events will include lecture and discussion opportunities for the TC community around topics including how white privilege impacts a school community, how to expand a welcoming environment at TC, and what roles community members can take in supporting equity and promoting anti-racism. 

Event facilitators are Dr. Donald Felder, teacher, principal, and education specialist; Delbert Richardson, Ethnomuseumologist and second-generation storyteller; and Tilman Smith, educator, and racial justice consultant and coach. These events are intended for an adult audience, and all TC families/caregivers and TC school staff are welcome!

Event Contacts: TC PTA: & TCPG: 

Session #1
Oct 8, 2020

What Does Mother Africa Mean to You & Why Does It Matter?

Thurs, Oct 8, 2020
6:30-8:30pm via Zoom
Register Here

Facilitators, Dr. Donald Felder, Delbert Richardson, and Tilman Smith, will lead attendees in working toward a deeper understanding of terms, history, and implicit biases, and how they relate to Thornton Creek School in 2020, including opportunities for questions, discussion, and comments.


Session #2
Nov 12, 2020

How Do Whiteness & White Privilege Inform School Culture?

Thurs, Nov 12, 2020
6:30-8:30pm via Zoom
Register Here

Event Objectives: 

Our facilitators would like to ask attendees to please read the following two articles in advance of the November 12th event.

Session #3
Jan 27, 2021 

Stories of Knowledge to Create a Welcoming Environment

Wed, Jan 27, 2021
6:30-8:30pm via Zoom
Register Here

Dr. Felder and Principal Benfield will share the learning and common goals from listening sessions we held with parent and teacher leaders in our community. Leadership teams will publicly share their commitment and role for creating a safe and welcoming environment. The evening will conclude with discussion and developing principles for collaboration moving forward. This final session serves as a launching point for continuing our work towards dismantling racism through a shared vision so that all students can shine and thrive at Thornton Creek. We will see you there!

Lecture Series Resources

Session #1 Resources

In the first of the three lectures, Delbert Richardson took us through selections from his American History Traveling Museum. 

We invite you and your family to explore Richardson’s American History Traveling Museum further online - check out this video and visit his website: The Unspoken Truths

Recommended Article & Text:
The hidden links between slavery and Wall Street - by Zoe Thomas, BBC News

A Different Mirror - A History of Multicultural America by Ronald Takaki